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Grant Administrator X2 Posts

Salary: R173 703.00 – R204 612.00 p.a. exclusive of benefits
Location: Umzinto Local Office (Ref No: G21/2021) & Mooi
River Local Office (Ref No: G22/2021)
Requirements: Candidates should have a Senior Certificate;
Knowledge in the Grants Administration / Social Security
environment; Computer literacy is essential and a valid driver’s
licence will be an added advantage.

The incumbent will effectively render Social Security services;
Screening and completing customer checklists; Receive applications
in terms of the relevant Act; Attend to social grant related queries to
prevent litigation; Prepare statistical performance templates; Review
all identified grants in terms of the Act and Regulations; Prepare and
process grants on SOCPEN; Assist in completion of projects and
prepare recommendations for management.
Umzinto Local Office: Preference will be given to African Male
followed by People with Disability and Indian Male respectively
as at the time of appointment.
Mooi-River Local Office: Preference will be given to People with
The applications for the above positions must be sent to

criminal checks and compulsory competency assessment (where
applicable). It is our intention to promote representivity in terms of
race, gender and disability through the filling of this post and
candidates whose appointment will promote representivity will
receive preference. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) prior to the selection process. SASSA is under no obligation
to fill a post after the advertisement thereof. Please note: All SASSA
staff are subject to compulsory Security Vetting on appointment.
Should candidates wish to apply for more than 1 post, separate
application forms should be completed and sent through an email on
or before the closing date: 06 August 2021.

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