Apply now : SAPS Application process 2019

The South African Police Service welcomes applications from all races and orientation for Enlistment in the Police Act. In the event that you join the SAPS you can either turn into a police official or a regular citizen worker.

Opening for Police Act at SAPS

Are you youthful, lively, insightful, physically and rationally fit people, committed to serving their nation by seeking after a profession in policing.

Fundamental enrollment necessities:

Youthful South African people who apply to be designated as a part regarding the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act no 68 of 1995) must:

Apply on the shape dictated by the National Commissioner and insist under promise or by method for a serious revelation that the particulars outfitted in the application, are reality and right;

Be a South African national of which narrative confirmation must be outfitted;

Be no less than eighteen (18) and under thirty (30) years old of which narrative evidence must be outfitted;

Be in control of a Grade 12 school endorsement or National Certificate (Vocational) Safety in Society of which narrative confirmation must be outfitted (2014 registers are welcome to apply and before selection evidence of effective culmination of Grade 12 (Senior Certificate) must be submitted. As a break course of action compassionately submit evidence of last school report);

Inclination will be given to candidates who are in control of no less than a light vehicle drivers permit;

Submit himself or herself to a physical and restorative examination as controlled by the National Commissioner and must be observed to be physically and rationally fit for arrangement in the post for which he or she applies;

Experience a mental evaluation as controlled by the National Commissioner and be found to conform to the profile of a police official;

Capable in no less than two of the official dialects, of which one must be English;

Be set up to take the pledge of office;

Be set up to experience such preparing as dictated by the National Commissioner;

Not have any tattoo characteristics of which will be obvious when wearing the SAPS summer uniform;

Have no past criminal feelings as well as pending criminal, common, disciplinary cases and such individual might enable his or her fingerprints to be taken and permit foundation enquiries to be made;

Not have been announced unfit to have a gun and

Be set up to serve anyplace in the Republic.

All candidates will be subjected to a wellness, psychometric and uprightness testing and additionally medicinal assessment and will be met amid the enrollment, choice and selection process.

The SAPS will likewise check the criminal record, capabilities, drivers permit, citizenship and private address of every candidate

Please visit SAPS webpage to download application form

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