Recruiter:Clover SA
Location:Bloemfontein, Free State
Salary:Salary Negotiable
Sector:Not Specified
Employment Type:Permanent
Date added:10 August 2019
AA/EE opportunity?:Yes
Benefits:Not included
Comparable Jobs:Not Specified in Bloemfontein
Clover’s corporate technique is to manufacture onto existing skills inside the Group and to set up a culture of remarkable presentation so as to set a stage for future market extension.
Key Performance Areas:
Ready to complete every sensible guidance from Supervisor.
General assignments
Arranged to work movements, ends of the week and open occasions.
Clean criminal record.
Training and Experience:
Evaluation 10 Literacy level.
Ready to peruse and compose English and ready to do basic computations.
Aptitudes and Knowledge:
Medicinally fit
Arranged to work Nightshift.
Vehicle stacking and offloading systems
Fax your CV to 0864917047