This is a year to year bursary. This Bursar is proposed for Primary and Secondary school students and Tertiary students. This Bursary isn’t planned for pre-school participation, they have a different store for that which you can look at. The leading group of the Education trust will choose what the base and most extreme sums are for the Bursary every year. This sum may likewise fluctuate every year.

Necessities FOR THE SANDF BURSARY 2018-2019

  • This Bursary isn’t ment for everybody. You can just apply in the event that you satisfy the accompanying prerequisites:
  • You must be a Dependent on a SANDF veteran who got extremely harmed or got executed on obligation with a dynamic obligation after 1994 27 april.
  • You must be reliant on a Civilian individual from the division of barrier while they were serving amid a SANDF task, who got extremely harmed or slaughtered on obligation after 1994-27 april
  • Similar records on the off chance that you are a ward of a Civilian of the Republic of South Africa who got seriously harmed or murdered amid a task of SANDF considering that they were not battling SANDF. (likewise after 27 april 1994)
  • The training trust will consider your pay on the off chance that you truly require this bursary
  • You will require a decent scholarly record to demonstrate you are committed to think about.
  • A base score of 22 on your APS for tertiary first year understudies
  • Senior understudies (second year and on) need passed 60% of the modules they were enlisted in.


You can download the SANDf bursary frames from the SANDF site. You need to record every one of the inquiries they ask and send the required archives with your application.

Things to send with the application:

  • A Certified duplicate of your ID or Birth testament. On the off chance that your ID isn’t accessible you can send your introduction to the world endorsement yet you don’t have to send both.
  • Affirmed duplicates of the ID’s or Birth testaments of your other family individuals
  • Matric endorsement in the event that you are a first year understudy
  • Matric endorsement went with your Academic evaluations (tertiary understudies)
  • You will require a proof of enrollment of the tertiary foundation where you are inclined to examine.
  • You will require a statement of this foundation with all the scholastic charges of this establishment.
  • Evidence of pay from your family unit. Confirmation of a wide range of salary should be send with the utilization of all family unit individuals. In the event that they are jobless or pensioned you additionally need to send evidence of that.
  • On the off chance that one of the family individuals is accepting a Government Pension/Child allow, you should send bank articulation duplicates of the most recent 3 months


You can either send the application by email of send it to their postal address.

Postal Address: Board of Trustees, SANDF Education Trust Private Bag X161 Pretoria, 0001

For Enquiries: Col M.E. Van Wyk Tel 012-355 5107 or Fax 012-355 5882

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